Bobby Uppal

Teaching Style
Bobby fell in love with yoga when trying it as an addition to his weight lifting and cardio routine. The benefits he received clearly took him to a new depth of physical and mental endurance, as well as a deeper connection with his spirit. He took his original yoga training from the Forrest Style of yoga, and continued on with well-known instructors in the Bhakti, Bikram, Thai, and Vinyasa influences. His passion has also inspired him to study beyond his trainings in the Ashtanga, Acrobatic, Anusara, Nada, and Iyengar styles of yoga. From the beginner to the well trained athlete, Bobby has a spot for you in his class and, like most instructors, considers himself a student for life of yoga so don’t be surprised if you find him practicing next to you as well.
Bobby teaches with a playful yet focused attitude a style of yoga that is of his own: creative, inspired, and grounded in the passion that ignites his love for the practice. Expect to sweat, breathe, laugh, and go deeply introspective when you spend 90 minutes in his class. Warning: his charming English demeanor may fool you at first; before you know it he will have sweet talked you into a long hold in a challenging posture, enabling you to go to heights in your practice you didn’t know you could reach. After leaving a Bobby class, you will feel not only physically and mentally challenged, but also stretched out, opened up and restored in body, mind and spirit. Expect a whole-body experience, every time.
Certified Yoga Teacher Training